NDIS Home Modifications

NDIS Home Modification

Gracedale Constructions is a supporter of the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). Our commitment is to help create a better quality of living and make a positive difference within the NDIS community. We prioritize customized accessibility solutions, adhere to stringent safety standards, and offer ongoing support and collaboration, ensuring that our modifications cater to the unique needs of individuals, fostering independence and an improved sense of well-being. We provide a range of home modification services for disability care:

  • Category A minor home modifications cost under $10,000.
  • Category B minor home modifications cost between $10,000 and $20,000.
  • Kitchen/bathroom/room fittings.
  • Support rails.
  • Wheelchair ramps/door widening.
  • Major custom works including building approvals and certification of work, such as plumbing
    and electrical works.
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Our passion for excellence and our commitment to the community come together to create exceptional living spaces for you and your family.

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